Substances spécifiques / Spezifische Substanzen / Specific substances / Specifika substanser

Cobalt / Cobalt / Kobolt

Threshold :
100 ng/ml in Urine
25 ng/ml in Blood

Antibiotika / Antibiotics / Antibiotika

14 days minimum. (With the exception of local topical treatment with oinments containing chlortetracycline, cloxacillin, chloramphenicol, zinc bacitracin or fusidic acid, which has a withdrawal time of 96 hours)

Entwurmungsmittel / Antiparasitic / Avmaskning

96 hours

Biphosphonates (seuls le Tiludronate et le  Clodronate sont autorisés)
Biphosphonaten (nur Tiludronat und Clodronat sind erlaubt) / Biphosphonates (only Tiludronate and Clodronate are allowed) / Bifosfonater (Endast Tiludronat och Klodronat är tillåtna)

From 1st of January 2018: Prohibited to use within 60 days before a race. It is not legal to use bisphosphonates at all in horses under the age of four years, or off-label use like intra articular injections.

Sanctions in case of infrigment :

  • 0-2 year (until 01.01 of the year the horse turns 2 years), ban 12 months and unable to race until age 3, following a clear elective test.
  • 2-3 years (from 01.01 of the year the horse turns 2 years, until 31.12 of the year it turns 3 years), ban 12 months, clear elective test
  • >4 years (from 01.01 the year the horse turns 4 years) 3 months if treated with legal product and indication. Off label treatment/not registered product: min. 12 months


NB : Legal product, that is only Tildren and Osphos. Indications are restricted to navicular disease and bone spavin in the hock joint. The way of administration of the drug has also to be correct for the product.
Use of other biphosphonates, incorrect diagnosis / indication will have a minimum sanction of 12 months.


Strong recommandation not to use on horses in training (because of impurities of anabolic steroids Trendione and/or trenbolone detectable in Regumate)

Castration Immunoligique (vaccination anti-GnRH)
Anti-GnRH Impfung / Immunological castration (anti-GnRH vaccination) / Immunologisk kastrering, exempelvis anti-GnRH vaccination

DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide)

All administration of DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide) intravenously, intraarticularly, intrasynovially, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or perorally is prohibited. DMSO added as an excipient in therapeutics with a marked authorization for use in horses or other species is exempt from prohibition (e.g. RenuTend® and Artic-Cell Forte®). For topical use are only licensed products containing DMSO permitted (e.g. Ekyflogyl®). Specific withdrawal times and international thresholds/residue limits apply.

Prohibition of the use of non-registered DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) products in Scandinavia

Périodes d’interdiction d’administration avant course / Dauer des Verabreichungsverbots vor dem Rennen / Stand down periods before racing / Karenstid inför tävling

Toute substance prohibée
Alle verbotenen Substanzen / All prohibited substances / Alla förbjudna substanser

All medications are prohibited minimum 96 hours before the race.
For details about all prohibited substances and regulations, please see:  Lover, søknad og spørsmål | Det Norske Travselskap (Prohibited substances and withdrawal times)

Dispositions spécifiques le jour de la course
Besondere Bestimmungen am Renntag / Specific provisions on the day of the race / Bestämmelser på tävlingsdagen

The day of the race is defined as starting at midnight, 00:00, and ends when the horse has finished its race/races.

The following is prohibited on the day of the race:

  • Nasal strips
  • Inhalation therapy
  • Cooling by means other than cold water, mud or topical preparations/ liniments which do not have a withdrawal time
  • Use of electric massagers and other electrical devices
  • Physical treatment including chiropractic-, light- (including LED- light), naprapathic-, osteopathic-, ultrasound- and magnetic field treatment

Dispositions spécifiques 96 heures avant la course
Besondere Bestimmungen 96h vor dem Rennen / Specific provisions 96 hours before the race / Specifika bestämmelser 96 timmar före tävling

No medication; injections, infusions or oral administration of any kind within 96 hours before the race.

– Equipment for treatment or treatment methods marketed with claim for analgesic effect (“medical claim”)
– Transcutaneous nerve stimulation (TNS)
– Acupuncture
– Laser

Dispositions spécifiques 72 heures avant la course
Besondere Bestimmungen 72h vor dem Rennen / Specific provisions 72 hours before the race / Specifika bestämmelser 72 timmar före tävling

No specific provisions 72 hours before the race

Dispositions spécifiques 48 heures avant la course
Besondere Bestimmungen 48h vor dem Rennen / Specific provisions 48 hours before the race / Specifika bestämmelser 48 timmar före tävling

  • Use of saline- (oral) and/or lubricating laxatives (e.g. Glauber’s salt)
  • Insertion of nasoesophageal/nasogastric tube
  • Rectal fluid therapy

Anti-inflammatoires non stéroidiens

At least 14 days withdrawal time, except firocoxib wich is 30 days

Corticoïdes par voie intra-articulaire
Intraartikuläre Verabreichung von Kortikoiden / Intraarticular administration of a corticoid / Ledbehandling med kortison

At least 28 days wihtdrawal time before the race, except for dexametha- sone sodium phosohate wich is minimum 14 days

Toute administration par voie intra-articulaire
Jegliche intraarticuläre Verabreichung / All intra-articular administration / All ledbehandling

At least 14 days, with corticosteroids other than dexamethasone sodium phosphate, minimum 28 days

Corticoïdes par voie générale
Jegliche Verabreichung von Kortikoiden / Corticosteroids by general route / Allmän behandling med kortison

At least 14 days, long acting substances minimum 28 days

Phytotherapie / Phytotherapy / Fytoterapi, växtbaserade substanser

48 hours withdrawal time: Aesculus hippocastanum, Agnus castus, Echinacea purpurea, Hypericum perforatum, Symphytum officinale, Valeriana officinalis.

96 hours withdrawal time: Plant based and other preparations containing alpha casozepine, benzocaine, Boswellia, caffeine (incl. guarana products), Confidence EQ, harpagophytum procumbens, heparin, levomenthol, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) salicylates, tamarind, turmeric (curcumin)

Antibiotika / Antibiotics / Antibiotika

14 days minimum. (With the exception of local topical treatment with oinments containing chlortetracycline, cloxacillin, chloramphenicol, zinc bacitracin or fusidic acid, which has a withdrawal time of 96 hours)

Others / Annat

The passport and a record of any treatment administered to the horse within the last 12 months must follow the horse at any time, when competing in Norway.

Trächtigkeit / Pregnancy / Dräktighet

Pregnancy: Forbidden after 120 days of pregnancy; stand down period of minimum 6 months after normal birth or 4 months after abortion or stillborn foal.

Cryothérapie spray-gaz
Kryotherapie / Cryotherapy spray-gas / Nedkylning med spray-gas

Forbidden on race day

Immersion des membres dans la glace sur un hippodrome avant la course
Kühlen der Beine durch Eis auf der Rennbahn am Renntag / Immersion of legs in ice on racetrack before the race / Nedkylning med is

Forbidden on race day

Ondes de choc
Stosswellentherapie / Schockwave therapy / Stötvågsbehandling

Forbidden 10 days before racing. Only an authorized veterinary are allowed to perform shockwawe therapy

Dispositif modifiant le passage de l’air dans les voies respiratoires (Cornell collar, nasal strips…)
Vorrichtung, die den Luftstrom in den Atemwege beeinflusst (Cornell collar, Nasal Strips…) / Device for altering air flow in the respiratory tract (Cornell collar, nasal strips…) / Mekanisk påverkan av luftflödet i respira- tionsorganen (Cornell collar, nästejp…)

Feux (chauds/froids) / vésicatoires
Feuer (kalt / warm) – scharfe Einreibungen / Fire (cold / hot) – Blistering / Blistring

Application of a substance or use of a procedure to cause vesiculating and/or inflammation of the skin and/or underlying tissue.
The application of thermocautery to the skin over the musculoskeletal structures to cause counter-irritant effect, i.e., firing, including freeze firing, when the aim is to affect the underlying tissues.
Freeze firing of periostitis with production of new bone (exostoses) and curb (distal plantar desmitis) is exempt from prohibition.
Treatment must only be administered by an authorized veterinary surgeon.

Fixation de poids sur les sabots
Anbringen von Gewichten im Hufbereich / Weight balancing on hooves / Balansering med hovvikter

Attacher la langue
Zunge anbinden / Use of tongue-tie / Tungband

Allowed in Norway. A tongue-tie must be made of leather, rubber or other synthetic material, where the flexibility of the material is restricted. A tongue-tie must have a minimum width of 10 mm, also during use, and it is important to ensure that the tongue-tie is not tightened so hard that it causes pain or discomfort to the horse.

Kastration / Castration / Kastrering

Geldings are not allowed to race earlier than 30 days after castration.

Mors de filet simple brisé à anneaux
Wassertrense (einfach gebrochen) / Tränsbett

Mors de filet simple brisé à olives
Olivenkopftrense (einfach gebrochen) / Tränsbett med fasta ringar

Mors de filet simple brisé verdun
D-Ring Gebiss oder Renntrense / D-bett

Mors de filet brisé simple à aiguilles
Knebeltrense einfach gebrochen / Bett med parerstänger

Mors de filet brisé simple à spatules ou à crocs
Schenkeltrense einfach gebrochen / Snaffle / Travbett

Mors de filet brisé et releveur
Aufziehtrense einfach gebrochen / Gagbett/hissbett

Mors de filet brisé, dit mors lecomte
Lecomte Trense einfach gebrochen

Mors de filet à double brisure plate
Trense doppelt gebrochen / Tredelat bett

Mors de filet bristol à spatules, aiguilles, olives ou anneaux
Doppelt gebrochene Tren- sen mit Schenkeln,Knebel, Olivengebiss oder Wassertrense / Dr. Bristol / Tredelade bett

 > Autorisé

> Autorisé

 > Interdit

 > Interdit

Mors de filet brisé à double canons
Doppeltrense (jedes Mundstück einfach ge- brochen) / Double wire

Mors droit en résine souple avec noyau dur
Kunstoffstange mit hartem Kern / Rakt gummibett med parerstänger

Verdun droit en caoutchouc rigide
Gummistange / Rakt gummibett med D-ringar

Must be used with a safety chain

Mors droit en mousse
Schaumstoffstange / Skumgummibett

Must be used with a safety chain

Mors droit rigide et mors incurvé
gerade und gebogene Stangentrensen / Läderklätt bett. Bett med port/tungfrihet


Mors Pelham : mors simple, droit ou brisé
Pelhamgebiss: Einfache Stange, gerade oder gebrochen / Pelham

 > Only in Monté race

Mors de poste, droit ou brisé
Posttrense Stange oder gebrochen

Mors Pessoa
Pessoa-Trense / 3-Ring-Trense / Pessoabet

 > Only in Monté race

Mors de bride (non articulé)
Kandare (unbewegliche Stange) / Kandarstång

Mors lhote
Lhote Gebiss

Mors saumur ou « à pompe »
Pumpkandare saumur

Mors de filet à 4 anneaux
Gebiss mit 4 Ringen / Dubbla bettringar

Mors crescendo / mors suédois
Crescendo- Schweden-Trense / Crescendo / Crescendo

Mors débraqueur brisé ou droit
Schiefgängertrense ge- brochen/Stange / Entömsbett

Mors débraqueur à coulisse
Schiebbare Schiefgän- gertrense / Slip mouth sidelining

Mors « Alain Laurent »
Gebiss « Alain Laurent »

Mors à tringle
Gebiss mit Braymonügel / Australiensiskt entöms- bett

Mors gene
Gebiss gene / Australiensiskt entöms- bett

Mors à cuillère, palette et abaisse-langue
Löffel-Gebisse, Zungenstrecker-Gebiss / Tungefelsbett, tungfels- gummi


Mors à attache
Gebiss zum Befestigen

Mors Papillon (mors cage) uniquement le mors droit comme ce modèle est autorisé
Schmetterlingstrense (Käfigtrense) nur dieses Model als Stangengebiss ist erlaubt / «Butterfly» bit (cage bit) only the straight bit as this model is authorized

Enrênement automatique
Automatischer Scheck / Automatcheckrem

Enrênement panurge
Seitenscheck / Nackcheck

Releveur sous-barbe ou mors « Frisco June »
Frisco June Gebiss / Frisco June / Frisco June

Releveur élastique
Elastischer Scheckriemen / Elastisk checkrem

Releveur canadien / américain
Kanadascheck / Kanadacheck, O’Mara-check

Releveur Hutton
Hutton-Scheck / Overcheckbit Hutton


Releveur finlandais
Bügelscheck (Ramond- Scheck) / Raymond Check

Releveur TSF

Mors de releveur droit ou légèrement courbé
Scheck-Gebiss gerade oder leicht gebogen / Plain standard

Mors de releveur brisé
Gebrochenes / Scheck-Gebiss / Mini-bit Lillbett-minibett

Mors releveur « bec de canne »
Scheck-Gebiss « Entenschnabel » / Birch


Mors releveur « palette »
Scheck-Gebiss « palette »

Mors releveur « Cuillère »
Löffelscheck (Crit Davis) / Crit Davis

Mors Norton

Hobbles / Hobbles / Hobbles

Piquants de rênes
Leinenigel / Reins spikes / Taggar på tömmar

Plastiques et rivets (plastic and metal rivets)


Pointes métal (metal spikes)


Piquants enroulés (rolled spikes)

Tout type de piquants sur barre de tête
Head bar spikes

Brosse de bouche
Stachelscheibe / Bit burr / Taggar borst på bettplattor

Brosse et rivets (brush and metal rivets)

X pointes métal (metal spikes)

Rondelle de mors à picots
Nagelscheibe / Rubber slices with pins

Chaîne métallique, non recouverte, en contact avec le chanfrein
Metallkette, unummantelt / Metal chain, uncovered, in contact with the chamfer

Schlangengebiß / Lasso / Lasso-snara

Bouchons d’oreille fixes
Zugwatte / Fixed ear plugs / Öronproppar

Débouche oreilles
Ziehen der Zugwatte / Pull out ear plugs / Ryckbara öronproppar

Œillères descandantes
Scheuklappen / Swedish Blind bridle / Norskt huvudlag ryckbara skygglappar

Œillères télescopiques avec grillage intégré
Teleskopscheuklappen / Telescopic Blind / Skygglappar som hindrar hästen att se framåt

Œillères munies de miroir
Scheuklappen mit Spiegel / Blind with mirror / Skygglappar av reflekterande material

Pullrolle / Choke plate / Pullburk

Martingale fixe
Fest angebratches Martingale

Filet anti-tireur
Pullnetz / Net on nostrils / Pullnät

Have to be remove before the race

Manchon en caoutchouc noir et souple enrobant le mors de filet et la partie buccale du mors de releveur en les solidarisant
Flexibler, schwarzer Gummischlauch welcher
das Mundstück der Trense und das Checkgebiss zusammen umschliesst / Rubber sleeve covering the bit and the checkbit, joining them together

Bonnet fermé muni d’oeillères ouvertes vers l’avant
Geschlossene Kappe mit nach vorne geöffnete Scheuklappen / Closed cap with blinders open forward

Bonnet fermé muni d’œillères ouvertes vers le bas
Geschlossene Kappe mit nach unten geöffnete Scheuklappen / « Closed cap with blinders open down »

Muserole anti-tireur
Modell mit Kordel / Rope noseband

Cord must be covered with leather or sheepskin

Modèle / Modelle / Template

Trabreiten / Monté races / Montélopp

Trabrennen / Harness races / Sulkylopp

Règlementation durant la course / Reglement während des Rennens / Rules during the race

Nombre de coups autorisés
Anzahl erlaubte Schläge / Number of hits / Spödrivning

Mouvement / action du jockey
Bewegungen-Handlungen des Fahrers / Movement-Action of jockey / Övrig drivning och maning

Use of whip is not allowed in Norway.

The driver must hold the reins in both hands throughout the whole race. All urging of the horse shall be administered gently with the reins form above. The driver shall not continue urging the horse before it has had a chance to respond to prior urging, or on a horse whose position obviously cannot be improved.

Sanktionen / Penalties / Bestraffning

Use of whip is not allowed in Norway.

Sanctions for excessive or indiscriminate goding of the horse are fines and suspensions.

Liste des sulkies agréés
Liste der zugelassenen Sulkies / List of approved sulkies / Lista över godkända sulkys

No list, but specific provisions

Place du siège
Sitzposition / Seat location / Sitsens placering

No rules

Scherbaum / Shaft / Skalmar

Wood or carbon fiber and steel accepted

Dispositions spécifiques
Besondere Vorschriften / Specific provisions / Särskilda krav

If a space exists between the rear arch of the sulky and the deck, in particular on each side of the seat, it must be filled to avoid a horse to put a hoof in this space.
Maximal distance between the fork and the wheel: 6 cm. Compulsory protection between the top of the fork and the wheel.
Maximal width of the sulky: 165 cm Wheels with flanges on both sides.

En cas d’intempéries
schlechte Wetterverhältnisse / Bad weather conditions / Dåliga väderförhållanden

Mudguards are required

Others / Annat

The maximum width of the sulky is 165cm

Norway do not have any regulations covering barefoot racing. Due to this, our regulations do not define when a horse is concidered barefoot, and also we do not ask the trainers to inform about the horses shoe-status.

Grippe équine
Influenza / Influenza / Influensa


Injection avant course
Impfvorschriften vor den Rennen / Grundvaccination för tävling

Horses are allowed to race after 2nd vaccination
Vaccination is forbidden 4 clear days before a race

Impfprotokoll / Vaccinationsintervall

From January 1st, 2021
Primary course:
1st Vaccination
2nd Vaccination: 21-60 days after 1st Vaccination
First booster: 120-180 days after 2nd Vaccination
Boosters: Minimum within one year of previous booster vaccination

Autres vaccinations obligatoires
Andere verpflichtende Impfungen / Andra obligatoriska vaccinationer


Sanktionen / Sanktioner

If a horse come in a racetrack incorrectly vaccinated it cannot race.
Any break of the immunization protocol entails the resumption of vaccinations since the beginning